Tag Archives: autism

What I wore {monday} blue for world autism day!

(I am a little behind in my ‘what i wore’ posts, sorry!) Yesterday was World Autism Day and the beginning of “Light it Up Blue” so in honor of that, our whole family was wearing blue in support of Chasen. I realized I don’t own a whole lot of ‘blue’ items…and also realized that these new blue skinny jeans are now too big and will likely be headed into my next Clothing Swap. 🙂




aqua sleeveless blouse: Ideeli (purchased with credits!!)

white/tan cropped cardigan: Target

royal blue skinny jeans: Sevens bought at Marshals

shades of aqua necklace: vintage

navy over the knee boots: Kmart

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{people I love right now} my genius *and autistic* son, Chasen

On November 27th 2003, an amazing little boy was born. We knew our lives would forever be changed…we just didn’t know how much. Chasen Asher Clark was diagnosed with Autism (PDD-NOS, ADHD, and ODD) and we were thrown into a world of unknowns along with fear and confusion. We were used to the stares and judgement…that had been going on for a while when major meltdown occurred….but we finally had an answer as to why he “is the was he is”.

I am happy he has a label…and so is he. The other day he asked me what they were trying to “cure autism…when there isn’t anything wrong”. So true. We are looking for “awareness…not a CURE”…because there isn’t anything that needs to be “Fixed”.

Chasen is prefect the way he is…he is funny and passionate and caring and brilliant. He may not look you in the eye. He may try to change the subject to talk about video games. He may get really upset if something doesn’t “go as planned”. BUT if you sit down and listen to him, you could learn a lot. He was reading at 2.5 years old. He had an IQ of 152 when he was tested back at age 5. He is 8…but in 5th grade classes. He reads and understands at a high school level. He choses to learn about science and chemistry. He can solve math problems in the most unusual (but CORRECT) ways.

This kid is going to do something amazing one day. Mark my words. Happy World Autism Day! Love you little guy!!


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My weekend recap…



On Sunday, the weather was actually nice (okay it was 50 degrees but it was SUNNY so we will take it!) so we bundled up the kids and headed down to the walking/nike trail near our house for a family walk. We ended up doing almost 2 1/2 miles which is pretty amazing for this two little kids. Towards the end, Chasen and Kyan were both getting a little tired but we figured out that if we let then talk about Mario and everything involved in their favorite video game (and I mean EVERYTHING), they will keep walking! I now know every little detail about how to play that game…but we all got some exercise in and had a great time in the process!


We finally, after 4 days and countless hours, finished our first ever Monopoly game with the kids. Up until now, we have only played kid versions of games so this was a big deal to finally be able to play the real game. There was a lot of wheeling and dealing going on through the whole game which ended with our FIVE year old taking us all out to end up with over $4000 and TONS of properties! I never would have thought they would have gotten as excited about the game as they did…plus it was great for working on math skills, strategy, taking turns, and patience! I can’t wait to start up a new game…and neither can Chasen…so he “can win this time!”.

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Flashback: Journal Entry {April 4, 2011}

Yesterday we went to church as we always do on Sunday. We greeted all of our church friends and made our way back to the kids’ church. The kids are immediately greeted by Ms. Sue and run off to their own rooms. Alex and I headed in to take our normal seats in the front right corner of the church. All was normal as we began worship and greet our neighbors.

After about 45 minutes, I got up to do my usual “check on Chasen” run. I tiptoed into the school-age worship area to quietly observe the situation. While all the children were sitting in their chairs, chatting with friends (instead of listening), and singing along with the songs, I spotted my child…over at the end of a row, running into a wall and bouncing back towards his chair, climbing on a big crate prop, chewing on his shirt collar, and basically in his own little world. I stood there and watched him for a bit and only intervened when it looked like he may hurt himself or another child. I went over to him and asked him to try to sit still and pay attention but he chose to sit in his chair and ignore the rest of the class. A friend of mine who was working in Chasen’s class came over and told him that she was going to be his teacher today and that she had all the snacks laid out for the kids (with Chasen’s special gluten free snack at the boys’ table) and also told him that things would be done a little differently as they were playing a game during snack this time. I knew that this would help the transition from the large class into the smaller classroom (which is where we usually have major meltdowns).

I returned to my seat to catch a little bit of the sermon about mourning and grieving a loss whether it be a physical, emotional, or spiritual loss. I sat trying to listen but the whole time I just kept thinking of Chasen back there in his classroom. I am ALWAYS thinking of him when I am not around him. I have a hard time letting him go because I never know what is going to happen when I am not there to help him.

At the end of the sermon, Pastor Adam had us do a little exercise that we have done before (and I must say, in the past when we have done this I just felt stupid…sitting there with nothing really happening). Adam asked us to close our eyes and picture ourselves in a safe place…all alone. I pictured myself on a secluded beach and tried to feel peaceful and stop thinking about Chasen. We were told to then picture Jesus coming up to us to join us for a chat. I did this (my form of Jesus looked kinda like a young Robert Redford with longer hair and a scrufty beard) and then tried to let myself go. Adam told us just to listen to what Jesus had to say to us or ask him anything we wanted to ask. Immediately, my question was “WHY??”. That was all I had to say and the tears just started steaming down my cheeks. I finally allowed myself in that moment to think about everything that I had been trying to push away. I am known as the rock, the nurturer, the one who doesn’t let things get to her…but at that moment, all those walls fell away and I mourned.

I mourned the loss of my child. I realized in that moment that all the hopes and dreams that I had for my child may never come true. I always thought I would eventually be a soccer mom or a football mom…sitting in the stands cheering for my son. Now I realize I may just be happy cheering for him to be part of ANY group of kids…let alone part of the team. I always worried about the day when I would send my son off to his senior prom and hope that he wouldn’t spend the night drinking or renting a hotel room. I now just hope that he will have learned the social skills to even WANT to take a girl to a dance. I used to think of all those late nights waiting up for my son to come home from hanging out with his friends or lying about going to a party…I now realize he will probably spend those late nights alone in his room on his computer.

So I stood in the church, surrounded by those that I know love me, and I mourned. I cried quietly to myself and didn’t want to share my feelings. I knew that our situation was not as bad as others out there. Although I was mourning the loss of the child I always thought I would have, I still had two healthy and happy children. I mourned the loss and then headed back to the kids’ area to embrace my children and love them for who they are. Granted, the second Kyan saw me he screamed “MOMMY!!!” while Chasen merely began telling me about some level that he was close to completing in his Super Mario game. Even though every night, I know as I turn off the light in the boys’ room, Kyan will say “Goodnight, Mommy! I LOVE YOU!!” while Chasen quietly reads his books in his top bunk…I still make it a point to make sure that Chasen hears me say “I love you, Chasen!” because I do. I love my child and I always will…even if he isn’t the child I originally thought I had.


(read more on our family blog: http://www.theclarkfamilychronicles.blogspot.com )

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Flashback: Journal Entry {Feb 17, 2011}

I am sitting here in Barnes & Noble with my morning coffee, reading a magazine about living with ADD/ADHD. No, I don’t have ADD or ADHD but Chasen does…that along with PDD-NOS and ODD. Yes, his full diagnosis is PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder – not otherwise specified AKA autism), ADHD (attention deficit hyper activity disorder), and ODD (oppositional defiant disorder). That’s a lot of letters which put together with his IQ of 152 makes up my child.

Part of me is glad to have those little letters after his name. It’s like a little way for me to explain to the world that my kid is not trying to be mean. He’s not trying to be evil or rude or difficult. When he gets upset and throws things, kicks, hits, tries to bite, screams…he doesn’t even know he is doing it. Seriously. I have video taped him and played it back an hour later and he has no idea what he is watching. His brain can’t handle changes that he isn’t prepared for and goes into his own little world. I have asked him about why he tries to run and hide when he gets upset. His answer was, “I know that if I can go into my own little world, I will calm myself down and it will be okay but when people don’t leave me alone, I end up going into the kicking and hitting stage.” It amazes me how smart and insightful he is about his issues. He totally understands that he isn’t “normal”. He is okay with it…for now. I dread the day when he begins to realize the other kids aren’t like him at all…and that they don’t understand him.

I am trying to learn as much as I can about how to deal with this whole thing. It is what it is. It won’t ever change. He will always have social issues. He will always stand out in a group of peers…not because he chooses to with crazy hair or tattoos or strange clothes…but because he is unable to blend in. He is unable to grasp social cues. He can’t read body language. He can’t read facial cues…and lacks the empathy to even care about others’ feelings even if he could read the signals. With all those “can’t”s there are many more “can”s that I try to focus on.

He can read (better than most 13 year olds).
He can speak (and speak and speak and speak).
He can solve puzzles in ways that I don’t even think of.
He can understand science concepts that even I never mastered.
He can read something once and remember it forever (although he never knows where he left his shoes!).
He can play advanced video games with ease.
He can ride his scooter all by himself.
He can make calls, send emails, and play all kinds of games on his cell phone.

I love my kiddo!


(read more on our family blog: http://www.theclarkfamilychronicles.blogspot.com )

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Game night!


Chasen loves Star Wars so were are all playing Star Wars Monopoly. He is reading every single direction and demanding that we all follow then word for word. I didn’t realize that he has never really played “adult monopoly”…only monopoly jr which has completely different rules. He keeps looking at us like we are crazy when we mention a rule…until he looks it up. Ahhh…family time!

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